Bratz™ dolls (or is it dollz?) are one of those toys that make me cringe all year long. I steer the cart away from the aisle they inhabit and point out some inane distraction, "Hey, look! Toaster ovens!" to get my daughter to avert her eyes whenever the Bratz™ loom nearby.
I grew up in the 70's, when Barbie took a lot of flak for her impossible physical dimensions and her effect on the young, impressionable minds of girls such as I. Somehow, I survived Barbie, Charlie's Angels, and Daisy Duke with a modicum of self-esteem intact, but, as an adult, I just can't get past the "Mommy, when I grow up, I wanna be in a rap video!" attitude of these dollz.
Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe Bratz™ are wonderful in that they portray girls who don't fit the mold of blonde hair, blue eyes, and a fair complexion. But do they have to look so, yanno, cheap? Are they any BETTER than Barbie with her gravity-defying bosom? I'm sure there's a dissertation out there somewhere about how young girls seek out ultra-feminized toys as part of the process of forming their female identity, blah, blah, blah. It might all be completely healthy and natural. My daughter's still not gettin' one, though.
Anyhow, on to the the Wintertime Collection ...
If you visit http://www.bratz.com you'll find that the girlz are available decked out for fun in the snow; although, I really want to yell, "Zip up your jacket! You'll catch your death out there!" to the snow bunny in the ski togs.
You can also celebrate the season with Meygan, who's dressed as a Holiday Elf, Cloe in her Holiday Santa get-up, and Yasmin in a Holiday Angel ensemble. Who knew angels wore stilettos?! These girls really put the passion in the Passion Play, I guess.

I've always hated Bratz. Glad I have a boy right now. :)
December 2, 2008 at 2:26 PMPost a Comment