I work in an "industry" in which it is customary for the powers that be to bestow upon the little people (that'd be me) a little something to wish us a happy (non-denominational and not necessarily religious) holiday. In past years these trinkets have included pens, nail clippers, keychains, lapel pins, Currier & Ives-esque calendars, etc.
Before I continue, let this be known: I do appreciate the thought and understand the barriers to getting something really good when making an egalitarian, non-gender specific gift purchase for over one-hundred people. I've seen the catalog these items are selected from and, believe you me, past gifts could have been much worse than they were. Monogrammed lemon zester, anyone?
This year's gift from above was ... nothing!
And I can't begin to tell you how pleased I am about this.
Thank you. Thank you, head honchos.
It is exactly what I wanted.
Before I continue, let this be known: I do appreciate the thought and understand the barriers to getting something really good when making an egalitarian, non-gender specific gift purchase for over one-hundred people. I've seen the catalog these items are selected from and, believe you me, past gifts could have been much worse than they were. Monogrammed lemon zester, anyone?
This year's gift from above was ... nothing!
And I can't begin to tell you how pleased I am about this.
Thank you. Thank you, head honchos.
It is exactly what I wanted.
I really appreciated our Nothings this year, too. They're the perfect size.
December 19, 2008 at 3:02 PMPost a Comment