
Saturday, December 13, 2008

I am by no means immune to the lure of the occasional holiday-themed product. 

In the spirit of full-disclosure, I present to you my purchases, semi-artfully arranged on my kitchen table with a cheesy Christmas backdrop ...

Item #1:  Target brand facial tissue in the jolly snowman box
My rationale: 
• It will sit on the counter and, therefore, be seen.
• The graphics have a somewhat slick, retro-charming vibe that I enjoy.
• Hello, it's sniffle season! These bad boys will be used up WAY before "Auld Lang Syne" rears its ugly, incomprehensible head. 
• My daughter said, "Frosty!" when she saw them. (*head tilt* and, "Aww...")

Item #2: super-fancy Dial liquid soap, Winter Pomegranate flavor
Further rationalizing on my part:
• I was looking for an antibacterial with moisturizer, and this stuff fit the bill.
• I've never been completely sure what pomegranate smells like; though, it sounds pleasant enough. I figured this was a way to find out without buying some strange piece of fruit that I probably wouldn't like. (Apparently, a pomegranate smells a LOT like liquid soap. Who knew?!)
• The color of the soap goes with my kitchen's decor, and I can peel off the label if I start to find it obnoxious by Boxing Day.

Item #3: Tangerines
These need no rationalization as they are both tasty and packed with vitamin C. (Note aforementioned "sniffle season".) I merely included them in the picture for aesthetic and comedic balance; the rule of three applies in both milieux, as I'm sure you are aware.



2009 ·what now? by TNB