Pillow Talk

Monday, January 5, 2009

Also from the CB2 catalog, the Credo Pillow ($21.95 + shipping and handling). I would never actually allow something with the word soulful on it in my home, but this little throw-Chiclet does give me an idea ...

For those of us who are struggling to put together a mission statement at work, I think this is a capital idea! We could put our words on t-shirts instead of pillows - can't promote sleeping in class, yanno.  (And I just love the clean graphic quality of this, too!)

The ten words I'd put on my own personal credo pillow (in no particular order):
1.  open
2.  curious
3.  balanced
4.  sincere
5.  literate
6.  light-hearted
7.  striving
8.  connected
9.  passionate
10. fascinated

Not that I manage to be all those things every day, but they're what I shoot for. (See #7.) Today, for example, I think I only managed to muster up about two of these. Briefly.

Anyone else wanna share their pillow words?


City Dweller Suburban Drone said...

As a person who has gone through the mission statement process with you I think you really have something here. Many of your words resonated with me but I don't want to be a copy cat. Here's my list
1. witty
2. bright
3. graphic
4. artistic
5. curious
6. amazed
7. restless
8. ever changing
9. surprising
10. comforting

That's how I see myself. Thanks for the opportunity to share.

January 6, 2009 at 2:59 PM
chad.02 said...

what? no 'crazed' ?!

January 7, 2009 at 3:41 PM
City Dweller Suburban Drone said...

Chad was that comment for me or our gracious blog hostess?

For myself, I may at times feel crazed but it by no means defines my person. I have medication that helps. I'm serious I really do. They are very good.

Anyway I couldn't help notice you didn't share your ten words. You aren't chicken are you? Afraid to bare your soul? I hope not.

Oh and thanks for being one of my followers. :)

January 7, 2009 at 7:45 PM
chad.02 said...

well "crazed" for the gracious host (holicrazed and all).

unfortunately my list has 0 words on it because i'm a guy and we're not that complicated. my list has maybe a couple syllables and maybe a noise here or there

January 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM
What Now? said...

Actually, "crazed" is on the reverse side of my pillow, with the other words that I don't always want to be but somehow end up being anyway some of the time.

Others on the B side include: ill-mannered, aloof, vindictive, envious, lazy, self-centered, bitter, frustrated, and impatient.

At least I'm honest about it, eh?

January 8, 2009 at 10:32 AM
chad.02 said...

other side of the pillow, i like it

January 8, 2009 at 2:13 PM

2009 ·what now? by TNB