Obligatory Valentine's Day Post

Saturday, February 14, 2009

No, my life is not a romcom. 

It has its moments of rom and its moments of com, but Hugh Grant is nowhere to be found, and I haven't seen Rene Zellweger hangin' out in my kitchen in ages. 

Here's what Valentine's Day looked like at my house, which is not a movie set, this year:

I didn't get my ever-lovin' husband anything. 

We usually just exchange cards, but I failed to even get my act together enough to do THAT this year.

Anyhow, I wake up this morning and have realize that I have succumbed to the cold I've been fighting all week. I'm stuffed up, coughing, blowing the old schnozz, etc. and there's no way I'm going to even get past the plodding around the house in my p.j.'s stage today, so hubby's not gettin' a card.

He takes pity on me and is very understanding, to the point where he volunteers to disappear for several hours of errand-running with our daughter in tow. I get to sit home and watch cable TV alone while he takes care of the grocery shopping AND the child. This is a one sweet deal for me, no?

As they're getting ready to go, he shows me the lists for the grocery store/Target and asks if I'd like to add anything.

Me: Yes, could you pick up a Valentine for me to give to you?

Him: You mean I should pick out something I think you'd think I'd like? 

Me: Pretty much.

A couple hours later he showed up with groceries, a sleeping toddler, and a red envelope with a card for me to fill out. It had a goofy puppy on the front, and my husband was nice enough to act surprised when I gave it to him.

So, while my life wouldn't make for a very good movie, it does have the makings of a pretty great life.


chad.02 said...

i saw this post only a couple hours after it was posted. but i'll be damned if i'm going to respond to it at 10pm on valentine's day!

February 16, 2009 at 11:38 AM

2009 ·what now? by TNB