I Loathe Lanyards

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I wear a lanyard at work. 
I hate the damn thing. 

I've received a couple of them at work as gifts/prizes/unsuccessful motivational tools. I dutifully stuffed each of them in my desk drawer to find it months later, wonder aloud "Why did I keep this piece of crap?", and throw it in the trash. Or stick it in some unsuspecting victim's mailbox in the office. 

I've spent my own hard-earned cash to purchase several different ones, hoping the pretty beads would somehow compensate for its lameness, but, alas, I persist in hating the damn thing. 

I hate how my keys and ID go thunk against me with each step I take.

I hate how it makes a really nice outfit look so damed proletarian. 

I hate how it's basically a leash, and I'm required to wear it. 

I even hate the word lanyard. It is impossible to sound sexy and cool while saying that word. Try it. You will fail.

Now, I understand the reasoning for wearing one at work - identification, safety, keeping me from looking TOO stylish, blah-blah-blah ....  I know that no amount of fussing on my part will make the lanyard of wretchedness go away. I accept the futility in trying to throw off these shackles, but that doesn't mean I have get all rah-rah about it and hop on the pro-lanyard bandwagon, which appears, by the way, to be a very crowded bandwagon, indeed.  

"Stupid Stuff I Found on the Internets 
as Evidence of the Crowded Conditions 
on the Pro-Lanyard Bandwagon"
"I Had No Idea It Was This Bad Out There"

The Wrist Lanyard:
When Dangling Crap Around Your Neck Just Isn't Enough

It's dark out! 
Where'd my arm go?! 
Oh, THERE it is. 
Man, that was a close one!

And here I hated the thunk of keys against me.
Imagine the sensation of being whacked with a bottle of 
Lipton Green Tea with every step.
Or if you had to run wearing this.

Even our friends at Coach have stepped into the lanyard arena.
It's extra-pricey and comes with bonus dangly crap!

I also found many sites selling products to make your own lanyards, which reminded me of the only lanyard-related thing I've ever truly loved ...  Billy Collins reading his poem "The Lanyard".

Back in the late-nineteenth century, the lanyard was originally used to carry a jack-knife, so you'd be ready to whip it out if you happened to need to stab someone that day. Interesting to know if you ever end up on Jeopardy! and have Lanyard Lore as a category. Or if you travel back in time and happen to have your lanyard on.


Anonymous said...

I hear ya. Talk about a style-cramper.

Especially when I'm all like, "Oooh, this will be a really great necklace with this outfit!" and then - BAM - the lanyard swoops in and steals the show. Unbelievable.

March 5, 2009 at 5:55 PM

2009 ·what now? by TNB