Mr. Alex Trebek: The name of the most everyday of IKEA's everyday line of dishes and linens.
Me: Um, what is 365+?

Mr. Alex Trebek: Correct!
Me: Great! Let's try IKEA Nomenclature for 200.
Mr. Alex Trebek: The styrofoam-peanut free way IKEA packages its assemble-it-your-damn-self furniture.
Me: That's easy. What is flat-pack, Alex?
Mr. Alex Trebek: Yes, you're right again!
Me: Wow, I'm on a bit of a roll here, Alex. Gimme IKEA Nomenclature for 300.
Mr. Alex Trebek: Mammut.
Me: Hmm, what is a line of brightly-colored, polypropylene bedroom furniture for children?
Mr. Alex Trebek: Correct again! You certainly know your IKEA! And that's a lovely sweater you're wearing, by the way. What's next?
Me: Back off, Alex. I'm married, and you're old enough to be my dad. Just act like a professional and hit me with IKEA Nomenclature for 400.
Mr. Alex Trebek: Of course. The tool IKEA shoppers can totally rock.
Me: What's an 'effing Allen wrench?
Mr. Alex Trebek: Yep! Care to sweep the category?
Me: Don't mind if I do. Bring on IKEA Nomenclature for 500, Alex.
Mr. Alex Trebek: The name of the company the makes the big ass fans that keep the air moving in your local IKEA's warehouse.
Me: Oh, it's gonna take more than that to stop me, Alex. What is Big Ass Fans?
Mr. Alex Trebeck: I stand in awe of your highly-specialized brand of trivial knowledge.
Me: I know. I get a lot of that.
March 1, 2009 at 11:57 AMMy, you are talented.
March 1, 2009 at 2:47 PMI always thought Trebek might fancy the gentlemen, but now I see he does have his eye on the ladies or at least one special lady. Hope you are enjoying the break.
March 2, 2009 at 5:56 AMSee ya
i had to google IKEA to know what you were talking about, but then followed the funny
March 2, 2009 at 8:29 AMNOW that's creative! Love this blog post, and I can't wait to be that familiar when my IKEA opens within walking distance of my house! Visit today!
March 2, 2009 at 7:04 PMIKEA reads your blog. SO jealous!
March 7, 2009 at 9:30 AMNo kidding! Ann, you're in the big time now. I wonder if Target or DSW would read my blog if I wrote about them? I guess that would mean I'd actually have to blog then, huh?
March 8, 2009 at 8:13 PMPost a Comment