A Trashy Little Story

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Now that the snow has melted, my walks around the neighborhood have turned into an adventure in suburban side-street archaeology. The individual things I see along the roadside among last fall's leaves are just pieces of trash, but, sometimes, the juxtaposition of these things, jettisoned from car windows over the course of winter, can create quite a story. 

Here's today's story, which unfolded (and I promise this is true) all within the same block and in the order I have presented it here. 

Working title:


The brand of whipped cream is ...
(and I promise this is true) 

Do you have any idea how much 
I wanted it to be called DarieAir?!

Now THAT would have been perfect.
Misspelled. But perfect, nonetheless.


City Dweller Suburban Drone said...

You have a very interesting neighborhood. I need to spend a little more of my partay time in White Bear.

Inspired post. Bravo.

March 29, 2009 at 3:06 PM
What Now? said...

Because it was windy, I took the inland route, which is typically more tame than the road by the lake, where I find gay porn on a regular basis - in front of the Tudor-style home of an elderly couple. Go figure!

March 29, 2009 at 4:23 PM
Sarah said...

Looks like I need not look further than WBL the next time I need a little excitement!

April 4, 2009 at 11:14 AM

2009 ·what now? by TNB