Unlimited Talk

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I've had a couple unrelated things jump out in front of me lately that have added up to an inspiration for my next few weeks of blogging. 

One is the closets, baskets, and storage tubs I live among, mostly filled with clothes I never wear and stuff I never use. Edit! Edit! Edit! How many episodes of What Not to Wear must I watch before I'm finally able to do this?!

Another was the way the word discipline struck me the other day. As in I have none RE: diet, exercise, fiscal responsibility, filling the gas tank before it hits E, and so forth. 

Then there's the colleague who NEVER shuts up and makes me want to scream on a daily basis.

Next came a reference to Jim Brandenburg's book Chased by the Light. (World-famous photographer limits himself to taking only one picture per day for ninety days straight. Now that's discipline!)

Finally, there was an email with too many words. I'll leave it at that.

What all these things taken as a whole have led me to is a bit of a writing experiment. Basically, I've hatched up a plan in which I will limit myself to writing only one sentence per day on my blog. I will blog every day through the end of April, but each post will only be one sentence long. 

It will require me to stick with something, and I'm going to have to learn how to edit like crazy, but I'm going to give it a whirl. 


Can you include pictures?

Yes, though it's said one is worth a thousand words, I've never really taken that literally.

Will fragments be okay, or will complete sentences be required?

I'm giving myself permission to use fragments sporadically and without guilt. 

What about the titles of your posts? Couldn't you just sneak in a whole 'nother sentence there? 

I'll strive to keep the titles brief and title-like rather than using full-blown sentences.

What if someone comments on your blog? Will you be required to write single-sentence replies?

It's not a requirement that others limit their comments to one sentence at a time, but I'm going to stick to my one-sentence rule in replying to those comments.

But, couldn't you go all James Joyce and use some sneaky English major, ninja punctuation tricks, adding a bunch of semicolons and stuff, basically writing WAY more than a sentence each day but being able to call them "sentences" on some sort of technicality?

Yes, I suppose I could. 
I'll resist the urge, though. 
I am, after all, a highly-disciplined person.


chad.02 said...

i'm so happy you included the FAQ. let's see how this plays out.

(btw my Word Verification word is "seelimb")

April 14, 2009 at 11:09 AM

2009 ·what now? by TNB