
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Now, a lot of people make fun of Sex and the City for its overuse of the pun. 

I for one appreciate a clever play on words and like the fact that, having seen all the episodes numerous times, I can immediately set myself in the right frame of mind (comic, tragic, poignant, etc.) for any episode as soon as the theme song winds down and those white, lowercase letters appear against the black screen.

I find that as I'm trying to come up with the title for a new blog, I often click into SATC pun mode. It gets the job done. And I'm usually pleased with the results. 

Here are, in no particular order, my ten favorite Sex and the City episode titles:

•  "The Fuck Buddy" - Yes, blunt is beautiful.

•  "Are We Sluts?" - I love that they dared to ask the question that pretty much everyone with HBO was asking about these women. 

•  "Belles of the Balls" - A pun with bonus clever points for linking to all four stories. (Trey gets his sperm analyzed, Steve gets testicular cancer, Samantha gets hired because Richard "admires her balls", and Aidan and Big duke it out playing basketball in the mud.)

•  "I Love a Charade" - Again, a pun. And Nathan Lane getting married? To a woman? Priceless.

•  "A Woman's Right to Shoes" - It seemed like just another clever pun at first, but, after watching the episode, you realize that it really IS about the choices me make. Bonus points for surprising me with that one. And for making me wish I'd registered at Manolo Blahnik when I got married. 

•  "The Post-It Always Sticks Twice" - The second I see these words, I think I'm sorry. I can't. Don't hate me. And then I curse the name Jack Berger. 

•  "Change of a Dress" - More fun with puns. And that scene with Carrie and Aidan in front of the fountain? Heartbreaking!

•  "Politically Erect" - Blunt AND a pun. More bonus clever points!

•  "Running with Scissors" - I love this one because it suits the episode so beautifully. Everyone's mom warned them not to do foolish, dangerous things, and this is the episode that shows us why.

•  "One" - Simple and clever. It's about Brady's first birthday and Miranda's realization that Steve is, in fact, the one. It's also one of my favorite episodes, which for some bizarre reason On Demand tends to skip. Every time I see that this one's an option, I get all happy. 


chad.02 said...

i've never seen the show, but would if there was one titled: "in which we destroy Sarah Jessica Parker"

no cleverness, all glory

June 5, 2009 at 11:52 AM

2009 ·what now? by TNB