Random Roadside Signs

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I am so grateful to the person who invented those make-your-own sign kits for stores and restaurants, as I find them endlessly entertaining ...

I have this fantastic mental image of Holly trying
 to suck a cheese curd through a straw.

Do you suppose the Milk Gal looks like the St. Pauli Girl, 
except she's carrying two jugs of milk?
(And WTF happened to the price of gas?!)

I view the world through the lens of
Free to Be You and Me,
so my ethnic pejorative knee-jerk reaction is flaring up.
I hear the sandwich's a tasty one, though. 

If I were the manager, the sign would say:
We're Bringin' Mexi Back!


Erin Bennett said...

These are hilarious! And I do love the mental picture of Holly getting cheese curds through a straw. :)

May 21, 2009 at 7:28 PM

2009 ·what now? by TNB