
Friday, May 15, 2009

I was doing my leisurely stroll through the grocery store tonight when I saw him. 
He was by the smoked meats. 
He was wearing an "I (heart) Hot Moms" t-shirt. 

How clever.

Then I noticed that he was shopping with a rather plump woman.
He was not, as I had presumed, single.
He was deeply enough into a relationship with an actual woman to be picking out smoked meats with her at the grocery store on a Friday night.

My mind quickly fired off a barrage of judgmental thoughts, stated Jeopardy! style, in the form of questions:

Does his wife/mother-of-his-children take his idiotic shirt as some sort of compliment?! 

Why would any self-respecting woman be caught dead with a guy like that?

What sort of message is he sending to his children?!

Then I realized that the woman he was shopping with was, in fact, his mother.

I retracted my initial ugh, replaced it with an eww, and promptly left the meat department.


chad.02 said...

i wonder if an 'I [heart] hot sons/daughters' shirt would take off...(and by "take off" i actually mean "would spread." 'would spread' i mean "get big." "get big" i mean have economic success. there. can't confuse that one)

May 18, 2009 at 11:39 AM

2009 ·what now? by TNB