1. The staff at "my" store has new name tags. Cute, clever ones. Under each person's name, they have a little personalized statement about themselves/food. From these tags I learned that Wendi, my cashier, likes Mexican food, and Jake, who inquired as to my feelings RE: paper vs. plastic, likes steak. (Confession: When I saw that Jake likes steak, I had a sudden urge to yell, "Rhyme time! Rhyme time!" - a sure sign that I've had a lot of quality toddler time this week.)
The tags add a nice, human touch to an otherwise impersonal service economy-based relationship. As an English teacher, I do take umbrage at the decision to use all lowercase letters, choosing a whim of aesthetic flow over correct writing. Examples below -
[ wendi - i like mexican food ]
[ brandon - i make super cheeseburgers ]
I wonder what kind of limitations were placed on their freedom to share via name tag, though.
[ jessica - i eat my feelings ]
rejected by someone in corporate?
[ timmy - i pick my nose while unpacking the tomatoes]
pass muster with the front office?
And what of
[ josh - i drink to make the pain go away ] ?
Probably not, eh?
2. New product alert! The "Helper" people have come up with new one: Asian Helper. Seriously.
Cue up the "One of These Things Is Not Like the Others" song and think about the four basic categories of things the four-fingered glove "helps":
Anyone else out there screaming, "Asian is not a kind of meat!" right now?
3. Since I've had the cold/flu thing going on this week and keep repeating, "It's not H1N1. It's not H1N1," over and over to myself, I needed to pick up a little something from aisle #8 to take the edge off.
What I remember about Vick's Formula 44 from my childhood was drinking it down, getting all bug-eyed, and whispering, "That stuff burns, Grandma," once I caught my breath. (I love that I survived a childhood light on seat belt laws and heavy on giving alcoholic cold remedies to children. And Jarts! Jarts rocked!)
The ever-savvy folks at Vick's have followed the soda pop trend of highly-specialized versions of one product (Coke, Diet Coke, Caffeine Free Diet Coke, Diet Coke with Lime, etc.) and have come out with their own Custom Care line of products. So, now you can purchase Vick's Formula 44: Chesty Cough if that's what you need.
I didn't buy it, though.
My cough's more buxom than chesty.
I love a good buxom cough. :) And seriously? Asian helper?
June 19, 2009 at 7:33 PM1. you realize that you have to make a name-tag for yourself right here in the comments (you may use "What Now?" or "Holicrazed" or that 'formerly known as' one, or all). GO
June 19, 2009 at 9:00 PMwhat do you mean you take umbrage with the lower-casers?!
2. isn't that one of those things you can order off the internet and marry?
3. Buxom Formula. nicely done.
i drink diet caffeine free mountain dew. i sort of feel like a sell-out...
chad -
June 20, 2009 at 6:46 AM1. You make a good point. Here it goes: [ what now? i pity the fool that gets between me & peanut butter ]
What does your name tag say? (And, this is kind of a fun parlor game. I'm going to suggest/insist we all do this the next time we're forced to wear name tags at a meeting.)
2. True story - My ex-boyfriend from high school/college wound up marrying a girl he met in Russia. They met at a party that is arranged for Russian girls to meet eligible American men, with the hope of finding a husband who'll bring them to the States. Closest thing to a mail-order bride I've ever encountered.
3. No shame in the diet/caffeine free combo. Do they make Code Red that way? Just asking.
mine says
June 26, 2009 at 1:49 PM[chad.02
i do kiss my momma with this mouth]
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