I started the season out, as per my usual, with tremendous ambitions as to all I would achieve. Things haven't really panned out as planned, but there have been some moments.
So, as I contemplate summer entering its final month, here's the low-down on how I've passed the weeks thus far:
Week 1: Thank God school was out or I'd have been calling in sick every day. Yuck.
Week 2: Still fighting the cold/flu while trying to get life organized enough to go to Tokyo the next week.
Week 3: Tokyo. Totally fab. Could see myself living there but would have to get WAY more stylish in a hurry. These are the most pulled-together people I've ever seen. Not a Wal-Mart shopper in the bunch.
Week 4: Jet lag sucks. Trying to convince a toddler that she can, in fact, sleep in her big girl bed again, even though the whole family shared a super-cool king bed in Tokyo last week sucks even harder.
Week 5: Ambition and ability to sleep at night return. Yay! Begin tearing down kitchen cabinets and buying paint.
Week 6: In the ER, getting IV fluids while they run tons of tests on me to see if I have H1N1. I don't. The doctor says that I am "swimming in streptococcus". I love when doctors are funny. Antibiotics kill the bug but do very bad things to my digestive system. Managed to get on my feet enough to see the Wallflowers on Saturday night. Listened to great music amid a crowd of drunks. Am starting to refer to Jakob Dylan as a diva because of his band's habit of starting the show late. He gets to be a diva, though. He's talented enough to earn that right.
Week 7: Mood totally boosted by loss of five pounds since June. Know much of that can be attributed to digestive trauma of last week, but vow to behave myself to keep that new number on the scale. It will serve as my motivation. Yes! Then, while grocery shopping, I discovered that Nestle makes chocolate Push-Up's.
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