As I was making my what seems like daily pilgrimage to Target, I spotted him.
I was on a busy street, and someone had put an old elliptical machine on the boulevard with a "FREE" sign on it. Guy #1 was a big man wearing a dress shirt and khakis; he was trying out the elliptical machine with an incredibly somber expression on his face.
Guy #2:
He was sighted while I was driving to retrieve a take-out order at the dumpy little Chinese place my mom likes.
He was bald, mustached, and wearing a black leather jacket. His motorcycle was annoyingly loud, but, poking out of his backpack was a bouquet - a dozen red roses packed in cellophane. Baby's breath and everything.
Guy #3:
I recently bought a new car - for all my driving around and seeing odd random things needs.
He was the guy from Volkswagen who called to give me the customer satisfaction survey. The first thing I noticed about him was that he appeared to be calling from the Indian Subcontinent (thick accent, two second delay after each of my answers). He introduced himself as "Danny Ocean".
What do these three guys have in common?
I don't actually know any of them, but they all made me smile.
I love it!
August 3, 2009 at 8:23 AMPost a Comment