My Reasons Are Threefold

Monday, March 22, 2010

So, why did I order the DVD's of Freaks and Geeks, you ask?

1.  It's a critically-acclaimed series I've never seen.

2.  Netflix highly recommended it for me. (We've only been an item for about two weeks now, but I swear Netflix can see into my very soul.)

3.  When I'm going to watch it, I have an excuse to proclaim to all within ear-shot that I'm, "... gonna get my geek on."


City Dweller Suburban Drone said...

I have only seen pieces of episodes but viewing with a critical eye the early work of James Franco is so crucial to understanding his character process in such gripping films as Pineapple Express.

Plus he is so bleeding hot!

March 23, 2010 at 6:44 PM

2009 ·what now? by TNB