Things I Notice About This Product Upon Further Inspection:
1. It's a Limited Holiday Edition.
That moniker carries such a sense of urgency and exclusivity, which is completely at odds with the everyday, borderline-humdrum nature of the product.
Will someone out there hang on to these precious bottles as keepsakes of Christmas '08?
Have they been collecting these for years?
(It would not surprise me in the least to learn that that is, in fact, the case.)
2. They're too cheap to make up a formula with a special holiday scent.
That stuff's green apple.
What's green apple got to do with Christmas?
If you're gonna go all Holiday Limited Edition on us, at least make it smell like gingerbread and snowflakes. C'mon.
3. People actually do buy this to make their home feel more Christmasy.
Dish soap as decor?
Have we really sunk this far?
If you want your home to feel more Christmasy, spend some time with your family. Build a snowman. Go look at the lights. Sing carols around the Wurlitzer. That kinda stuff.
When I first saw this product, along with shelves filled with others very much like it, I couldn't help but think how annoying this all must be for people who don't celebrate Christmas. Sure, the manufacturers are all savvy about using the word holiday instead of Christmas, but we all know what red + green + snowmen equals. To be inundated by someone else's holiday every time you read the paper, watch TV, or even just go to the store to buy dish soap must really bite. Hard.
I love Christmas.
I look forward to it.
I celebrate it with gusto.
But holiday dish soap?
No sale.
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