Holy Crap!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

So, I was out surfing the internet, trying to find a picture of the High School Musical 3 Hot Cocoa Gift Set I'd seen in the Walgreen's ad from Thursday's paper. It was going to be my latest blog fodder, but then I stumbled upon this ...

What is THAT, you say?
Why, it's a musical nativity mug, of course.

I don't want to give the folks selling this, um, thing, any more attention, so I'm not even saying where I found it. According to the website, should you buy one, you could enjoy hearing a "beloved carol herald His birth every time you pick up the mug". 

And it's only $14.99 + shipping.



Erin Bennett said...

This blog is hilarious. You are hilarious. And please, God, don't make me drink whatever is in that mug!

December 2, 2008 at 2:25 PM

2009 ·what now? by TNB