Kinda Flashy

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I wouldn't be doing my job as a holiday blogger if I didn't mention the phenomenon that is the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. I've seen their CD's in stores and even know a few fairly-normal people who are into them, but I had never experienced their music. Until tonight.

The music itself did not disappoint; after all, I had gone into this with extremely low expectations. Any group whose named is written in a font with that much flourish is immediately suspect in my book. Band name fonts should, in my opinion, never scroll beyond the rakish lean characterized by the cover art of the Rolling Stones. I think Amy Grant may have more have a slightly-more fancified font than TSO, but she is a super sweet girl, so it's cool. 

I couldn't stomach listening to much of their music, but I guess I'd describe it as syntho-pop with a vaguely yuletide aftertaste. 

What did disappoint me was when, after doing a bit of research, I found out that the members of Trans-Siberian Orchestra are neither trannies nor Siberian. And there are only three of them, backed by an orchestra. That'd be like me putting three-legged Chinese gymnast on my business cards.

What fills me with awe about this group of lads, though, is what their music inspires people to do. Much space on YouTube is dedicated to the holiday displays set to their music that fans across the country have created. It's not my cup of tea, and I'd hate to live anywhere near such a thing, but you gotta recognize the time and dedication people put into this. Thanks to the YouTube clips, Wikipedia, and the official TSO website, I now know the legend of Carson Williams, the man who, in 2005, started this craze (and who looks EXACTLY like the sort of guy who would dream something like this up). 

As good capitalists, the guys in the band and their marketing department have arranged for a Kitsch up Your House with Holiday Lights Set to Our Music Contest this year to inspire folks to celebrate the season in grand style, run up their electric bills, and buy some more TSO music. (Oh, and the Grand Prize includes a trip to Chicago! Yes!) Go the the band's website to get info about the contest. But don't dawdle; entries are due by December 12th.


Anonymous said...

My goodness you have put in a lot of research time on this "orchestra." Is this the new Mannheim Steamroller? I have to admit I do have the Steamroller Christmas album, but my husband has banned it from every being played in our home. It is just one of the little things I have grown to love about him. I am not sure that syntho-pop is the genre that Jesus would choose to ring in his birth, but what do I know I am a heathen.

I also must comment on the excess that is Christmas decorating. My block looks like a Jewish street, but other parts of Nordeast are positively garish. I don't mind some pretty lights arranged neatly on the eaves or a bush or tree in your lawn. Those are festive and tasteful. The people who buy those giant inflatable snowmen and santas totally scare me. I also hate when people mix the secular with the religious in their yards. I say either go with the Santa and elves or the manger. I am waiting for someone to truly combine the two and have Santa and Mrs. Claus staring serenly down at the baby Jesus while three wise elves look on and a chorus of reindeer flying overhead with the new WalMart blue star thing lighting the way. Now that would be the true meaning of Christmas in America. Leading us not to any kind of salvation but trampling and death. Merry Christmas.


December 3, 2008 at 7:41 PM

2009 ·what now? by TNB