I've been spending some quality time with our new puppy these past couple weeks. He's getting more comfortable with snuggling on my lap and is figuring out the general patterns of life here with us, his new family.
Yesterday I watched as he built up his courage and was finally able to walk down the stairs by himself. (It'd been intimidating for him for some doggie reason I don't understand, but, since he's so tiny, we hadn't minded carrying him.) I went through the whole proud dog mommy routine - told him what a big boy he was, gave him a big smooch, etc.
I went to sleep last night feeling that our relationship had really progressed and that his understanding of his place in our family had grown. "Awww..."
This morning, as I headed down the steps with a load of laundry, I noticed that he wasn't around. Hmm, where could he be? I got to the last two steps and saw him come scurrying up from the basement. He'd gone down there to explore his new digs, I guessed.
Not quite.
That dog had gone down there to crap on the floor.
Now, I do have to mention that it was -13 degrees out at the time, so I feel his pain, but, still, he didn't even ask to go out. He just trotted down the steps and did it.
As I cleaned away at the offending matter, I learned, much to my disturbance, that he is the sort of dog who will, when under duress (read after being scolded by mother-figure), gobble up his own feces.
I yelled even louder at the little guy and waved him away from the evidence he was trying to destroy.
The clean-up process involved: toilet paper, Resolve, paper towels, water, scrubbing, carpet freshener that smells like fake clouds, the vacuum, doggie toothpaste, doggie toothbrush, and a great deal of patience on my part.
So, while I hadn't planned on making any resolutions this year, I have had a New Year's Eve moment of Resolve.
Unfortunately, the disgustingness you just described is a rumored breed characteristic/shortcoming of the Boston Terrier.
December 31, 2008 at 5:03 PMSo, I can relate.
Again, unfortunately.
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