It's a G Thang

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sure, she advocates drinking toxic quantities of castor oil and stands like a goofy school girl while showin' off her duds, but I think I just might be starting to respect Gwyneth Paltrow. 

HuffPo just announced that the Divine Ms G is going to be opening a gym. Part of the post shows video of her working out with her trainer. There's our girl, sweating up a storm with no make-up on. She even allows herself to be filmed doing the borderline-degrading "dog peeing on a fire hydrant" move to tone up her skinny ass. 

You know that scene when the Grinch feels his heart growing inside his chest as he hears the Who's singing? That's exactly how I felt about Gwyneth when I saw her being all human-like. 

I want more human celebrities. And I want them to do it like Gwyneth - voluntarily, not just because some paparazzi caught them at the beach or at the A & P on a bad day. 

Voluntarily human celebrities. 
How revolutionary is that?



2009 ·what now? by TNB