The Voices in My Head

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ever had one of those days when you get a song stuck in your head and just can't shake it? That was my day today, except that the song kept changing every few hours, so it was basically a series of "stuck songs" playing on the radio inside my brain. 

Perhaps by sharing this phenomena on the interweb, I can shake this pesky little annoyance and get a good night's sleep, so here it goes ...

My Stuck Songs Playlist for May 26th, 2009

1.  "Put It Down" by Mike Doughty - Actually, it's a really great song with a delightfully catchy little melody at the chorus that I totally whistle-jam on. My grey matter spent most of the morning looping this one over and over. Things went dramatically downhill from here.

2.  "Close to You' by the Carpenters - This showed up after lunch, and I'm not completely certain why. It popped in and out of my head though the afternoon, finally diminishing during my commute home - only after I gave in and sang the whole stinkin' thing out loud once with feeling.

3.  "The Rainbow Connection" by Kermit the Frog - After my impromptu Carpenters concert, this little gem appeared. I didn't actually hear Kermit singing it, though. It was more like a Judy Collins rendition, which is even stranger, now that I think of it. I suppose it could have been Ed Helms doing it in Pig Latin (I had to think about whether or not to capitalize that; I decided I should on the basis that it is the name of a language.) on The Office, which would be stranger still. But definitely funnier.

4.  "Stomp the House" by the Jump Arounds - Yes, I live with a toddler, and we own a television. My mind resists the urge to wrap itself around ALL the lyrics, so I mostly just repeat those six seconds of chorus ad nauseam.  For those unfamiliar with the power of Toddler TV and brave enough to give it a whirl. (You've been warned.)


chad.02 said...

i get those veggie-tales songs stuck in my head a lot...

oh wheeeeeeeeeere
is my hairbrush

June 5, 2009 at 11:59 AM

2009 ·what now? by TNB